
Pack 382 does our best to have Monthly Cub Scout Pack Hikes.  Families are welcome, but we do request that pets stay at home.

Sometimes we will have special hikes, like a Bike Hike, or the occasional in-door-mall-hike when it's way too cold.  But traditionally, we have a hike every month, rain, shine, or snow.  Hike dates, locations, and sign-up links can be found in any of the Pack Emails towards the bottom under Upcoming Events.

The monthly Hike will be scheduled throughout the year.  Yes, all year long, in winter and over the summer too!  Award Patches are earned for the Scout's Initial Hike, plus at 5, 10, 20 and 40 Miles.  At 50 Miles a special patch is earned, and the scout earns their Hiking Stick – which they will smooth and sand, and the Pack will burn their name, date of achievement, and pack number into it.  More hiking patches can be earned at increments, and awards are earned at 100 miles (Custom Hiking Hat), at 150 miles (Custom Hiking Backpack), and at 200 miles (Custom Hiking Vest).  These miles will transfer to Scouts BSA when they bridge over in 5th grade.

If you have any questions, feel free to email Hiking@CubScoutPack382.com